Thursday, February 23, 2012



Night before last I spent basically the entire night trapped in a gory nightmare. Yuck. The good news, though, is that once I finally managed to wake myself up, I realized this dream actually was fodder for a story idea - one that would fit into a dystopian-slash-horror genre really nicely. I know this is oh-so-Stephenie-Meyer, but the truth is that good ideas are good ideas, and if a sparkly vampire can be a good idea, then I think my dream idea just might have some merit, too.

I've been blocked and made little progress on the WIP lately, but yesterday morning I sat down and just brainstormed and wrote out what I remembered from the dream and yielded almost 2K words on the idea. It's an exciting idea, but as much as I'm tempted, I absolutely won't be abandoning the WIP (seriously, that damn book needs a title already) to work on this Sexy New Idea. As much as I want to. And I REALLY want to. But I won't. BUT I WANT TO.

Which just means I need to finish up the damn WIP already, give it a title, and then move onwards. I'll keep the Sexy New Idea file open so I can jot ideas down into it as they come to me.

Oh, and speaking of productivity on the WIP, I just downloaded Mac Freedom onto my laptop. I simply need to stop wasting so much time online and get my ish together and WRITE DAMNIT!



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