Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year - New Blog!

It's that time of year again, the time when everyone looks ahead with hope, shaking off the yuckies from the old year and making grand plans for changes for the new. That can only mean one thing - RESOLUTIONS!

I'll admit, I'm one of *those* people who make resolutions (is it just me, or is it all the rage these days to be anti-resolutions?). In truth, I'm really more about goals since they're resolutions prettied up with the makeup of being measurable and having a deadline.

I believe intentions have more power once they are written, so, without further ado, my goals for 2012:

1. Begin my blog.
  • Do I get any kind of bonus points for achieving my very first goal of the year? No? Moving on then...
2.  Contribute to my blog at least 2-3 times weekly.
  • Topics will range from things that are actually writing-related, updates on my progress as I work on my current project, random drabbles I compose, and probably a semi-decent amount of blathering about my children. And introspection. You've been warned. 
3.  Finish the first draft of my novel by February 29, 2012 (yay for Leap Year!!).
  • I'll post more details about what I'm working on at a future date.
  • The manuscript will be at a done-enough stage where I can send it out to critique partners for some initial feedback.
4.  Compile a list of dream agents to eventually query by March 31, 2012.
  • I'm imagining this will be a bit of a tricky task for me since the truth is that I'm fairly oblivious at this point about the ins and outs of the publishing world, so I've got a learning curve ahead of me. This journey will be shared along the way for sure.
5.  Edit and revise novel to completion by June 30, 2012.
  • This one is dependent on feedback from the CPs. If the novel is a truly hot mess with no redeeming value, look for this goal to get a massive revision, if not shelved completely.
6.  Send novel out to agents by July 22, 2012.
  • You're thinking to yourself, "Gee, Rheana, that's kind of a random date you have set there!" The reason for that date is that's my birthday. I'm feeling a little anxious about turning (gulp) 35 this year, so I've decided my gift to myself will be the gift of accomplishment - having one novel ready to query. 
7.  Remain active in my online writer's group while reaching out to make some local writing contacts.
  • I'm two-parts shy and one-part anti-social, so this one will be tough for me, hence the lack of a deadline. I'd like very much to become more active in the writing community, both online as well as in real life. Checking out a NaNoWriMo write-in or attending a Lighthouse (a local writer's resource) event or workshop will count as achievement for this goal. 
So, I think that's it. I'm sure I've forgotten something really important. That happens a lot when you have tiny children who Hoover the brain power right out of you. I obviously have more personal-related goals (eat better, drink more water, pay off some debts, blah ditty blah blah), but those are, well, boring. 

What are your writing-related resolutions?

1 comment:

  1. These are great goals. I think you can totally do it!

    As for agents, I found that was an awesome resource, and so is this blog:
