I kind of have a thing for The Muppets. So much so that I refer to my children in the online world by names of OG Muppets. Since I've already mentioned them a few times here on the blog, I figured some back story and an introduction was in order.
It all started way back in 2007 when I was expecting my first baby. His due date was leap day, and some gals from an online message board I had belonged to at the time took to calling him Kermit (leap day --> leap frog --> Kermit the frog is a natural progression of assumption, right? RIGHT?) and it just always stuck. Even IRL people got in on the action - to this day my own mother sometimes calls my son Kermie as a nickname.
Kermie is almost 4 (we're seriously counting the sleeps until his birthday over here), very bright, obsessed with playing online games on Nick Jr and PBS Kids, talks non-stop, lives for getting to build stuff with his daddy, and loves to read just as much as I do. He's also turning into a gifted fibber. Combine that with his smarts, and this one keeps me on my toes. I started this writing thing shortly after he was born, and his late night feedings were how I marked the end of my first NaNoWriMo writing nights.
Once we were expecting baby #2, it was a natural fit to choose another Muppet moniker. Fozzie was the first name to stick, even before we knew whether we were being blessed with another boy or a girl. Ironically, Fozzie is the PERFECT name for our second son. This kid is 2.5 years old and is Mr. Personality. He tells jokes ("Knock knock." "Who's there?" "Cockadoodle apple chicken BEER!"), is always laughing about something, staggers around everywhere with a cup of some kind of liquid in his hands just like a little frat boy, and is just generally very "look at me". He also has zero sense of self-preservation and screams allthedamntime. He will, in short, be the child we lay awake at night wondering if he's actually in his bed, or out on the prowl drinking Red Bull and everclear, knocking up girls, and TPing his principal's house.
My trouble-maker boys:

Sigh. I love them.
Finding a nickname for baby #3 turned out to be tricky. We knew we were having a girl, and girl Muppet names blow. Like, seriously. I'm not calling my girl Miss Piggy, and Janice just isn't fun. So, after much hemming and hawing, we settled on Beaker. He's an awesome character, and even though he's (presumably) a boy, the name works for our little babe. Beaker is now 9 months old, has the most kissable chubby cheeks ever, eats cheese like it's going out of style, and lights up when her brothers pay attention to her. She also completely sucked the creative mojo out of me while I was pregnant with her, and I'm still struggling to get it back.

A rad hairdo, sassy clothes, and already planning to be a doctor. Is it any wonder I have a massive crush on this girl?
So, those are my babies. They are the joys of my life, and the primary culprits for my lack of time and energy to do anything, let alone write. Some day, some far away day, I will dedicate my first book to them.