Life has taken a big ol' bite out of me these past few months, and I'm just now in a spot to get my head above water. It feels nice to be seeing the brighter side of life again.
Even though things have been rough, I do have positive things to report. I've met one of those goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year! I'm only pointing this out because I realize I'm failing miserably at at least one of my other goals (namely, ahem, blogging regularly) and I need some cheerleading.
(Unrelated: why do all the good gifs seem to come from Glee?)
But I digress. The goal I'm about to cross off the list is attending a writer's workshop. A local friend who is also working hard at this writing thing told me we had to go to the Lighthouse Writers Workshop Book Fair together. I agreed. Then dug around the workshops being offered for Lit Fest and stumbled across this little ditty:
I promptly swallowed my fear and paid for a spot. Then made my friend sign up, too. Then proceeded to hyperventilate.
(Sheldon is actually probably even more awesome than Glee. Hooray for TBBT!)
My m/s is still very much a work in progress. But signing up for this critique was just what I needed to kick me back into gear. The result is that in the past week I've made more progress on my novel than I have in the past year or so. WAY MORE.
Which is shameful. But the truth.
Revisions/edits are proving to be rough. I'm finding huge sections of story that can be completely eliminated for various reasons (mostly because I wrote a crap-ton of scenes that do nothing to advance the plot) and I've got some decent drafting to fill in some holes ahead of me. Apparently, I don't like to describe ANYTHING. This is a problem, natch.
But, you guys, my hubs has been so dang supportive. He wants to see me finish this thing and take it as far as I can as I do. Having his support means more than I can say.

(And I might as well admit it - along with the nerves, I've been semi-indulging in wild fantasies of Kristin reading my pages and demanding a full.
So I want my m/s much closer to being at that stage than it obviously is now. Hey, a girl should have dreams. Even if they're WAY OUT THERE.)
Now, back to work!